Крестный ход Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1813c.
Крестный ход Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1813c.

Крестный ход Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год Фотографии были сделаны в Берлине Джулиусом Литтенфельдом, изданы в России "Т-вом "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"" Сохранность одышк очень хорошая Размер листа 30 х 40 см; размер изображения 18,5 х 31,5 см Фототипия - [от греч phos - свет и typos - отпечаток] - cпособ печатания со стеклянной пластинки, на которой закреплен фотографическим способом рисунок или фотографический снимок; то же, что светопись Иллюстрации.  Фототипия, Бумага Размер: 18,5 х 31,5 см Издательство: Товарищество "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"; 1903 г.

Уездное земское собрание в обеденное время Фототипия с картины Г Г Мясоедова Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1815c.
Уездное земское собрание в обеденное время Фототипия с картины Г Г Мясоедова Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1815c.

Уездное земское собрание в обеденное время Фототипия с картины Г Г Мясоедова Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год Фотографии были сделаны в Берлине Джулиусом Литтенфельдом, изданы в России одышх "Т-вом "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"" Сохранность очень хорошая Легкие загрязнения Размер листа 30 х 40 см; размер изображения 18,7 х 32 см Фототипия - [от греч phos - свет и typos - отпечаток] - cпособ печатания со стеклянной пластинки, на которой закреплен фотографическим способом рисунок или фотографический снимок; то же, что светопись Иллюстрации.  Фототипия, Бумага Размер: 18,7 х 32 см Издательство: Товарищество "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"; 1903 г.

Арест Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1817c.
Арест Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год артикул 1817c.

Арест Фототипия с картины И Е Репина Санкт-Петербург, 1903 год Фотографии были сделаны в Берлине Джулиусом Литтенфельдом, изданы в России "Т-вом "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"" Сохранность одышш хорошая Легкие загрязнения, немного потерты уголки Размер листа 30 х 40 см; размер изображения 21 х 32 см Фототипия - [от греч phos - свет и typos - отпечаток] - cпособ печатания со стеклянной пластинки, на которой закреплен фотографическим способом рисунок или фотографический снимок; то же, что светопись Иллюстрации.  Фототипия, Бумага Размер: 21 х 32 см Издательство: Товарищество "Бр А и И Гранат и Ко"; 1903 г.

Сюрприз - Офорт (начало ХХ века, Франция) артикул 1819c.
Сюрприз - Офорт (начало ХХ века, Франция) артикул 1819c.

Офорт начала ХХ века Художник(?) - E Gatget Сохранность хорошая Легкие временные пятна Потеки по краям Заломы уголков листа Уголки потерты Надрыв левого края листа Размер изображения одыща 11,5 х 16,4 см Размер листа 27,8 х 37,8 см Иллюстрации.  Офорт ; Офорт, Бумага Размер: 11,5 х 16,4 см 1901 г.

Entrepreneurial Teams as Determinants of of New Venture Performance (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship) артикул 1821c.
Entrepreneurial Teams as Determinants of of New Venture Performance (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship) артикул 1821c.

Using a multi-dimensional model of the author's own design, this study explores the effect of entrepreneurial team behavior on both organizational strategy and new venture performance In line with recent research arguing that the entrepreneur may well be a group and not simply an individual, and to provide a much richer and more widely applicable одыщв model, this book examines the entrepreneurial team.  ISBN 0815335091.

Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms артикул 1823c.
Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms артикул 1823c.

Редактор: Robert A Blackburn Intellectual Property (IP) and innovation are key management issues for today's enterprise This timely book combines research on SMEs, IP and innovation Drawing on original material from the ESRС's Programme on Intellectual Property, and showing a variety of approaches to the study of IP in small firms, одыщи this book reveals that IP and innovation management are interdisciplinary areas of research These chapters provide new evidence on IP management in specific sectors such as software, engineering, textiles, biotechnology and electronic publishing Some also address the strategic management of IP and examine IP management in the case of university spin-offs, while others focus on the role of patents in protection and innovation The first major collected edition on IP and innovation management in SMEs, this book will be of interest to students, policy-makers and practitioners interested in IP and innovation.  Издательство: Routledge, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 170 стр ISBN 0-415-22884-0.

Zaandam Открытка артикул 1825c.
Zaandam Открытка артикул 1825c.

Издательство - "W de Haar", Нидерланды (начало XX века) Размер: 14 х 9 см Сохранность хорошая Временные пятна В верхней части открытки - загрязнения В нижнем правом углу - надпись чернилами одыщк Углы округленные Метки альбома На оборотной стороне - письмо, написанное карандашом, три штампа и марка.  1902 г.

Foundations of Operations Management and Student CD артикул 1827c.
Foundations of Operations Management and Student CD артикул 1827c.

This book addresses a growing demand for a brief treatment of operations management At less than 500 pages, it comprehensively covers the essential topics for active learners Chapter topics include competing with operations, process management, managing project processes, managing technology, quality, capacity, location and layout, supply одыщн chain management, forecasting, inventory management, aggregate planning and scheduling, resource planning, and lean systems For project managers and other business personnel who need to manage and improve processes.  ISBN 0130782971.

What to Expect in the Military : A Practical Guide for Young People, Parents, and Counselors артикул 1829c.
What to Expect in the Military : A Practical Guide for Young People, Parents, and Counselors артикул 1829c.

For many young people weighing the pros and cons of joining the military, the details of what their lives would be like in uniform are often a mystery How tough is boot camp really? How much freedom would I have? What is the fine print for pay and veterans benefits? Do spouses and children receive any benefits? This unique guide provides a mix of factual одыщш information and practical advice from the author of a half-dozen books that translate military-ese into simple English Students, parents, and counselors can use this helpful guide to make informed desicisions about whether or not military is right for them.  ISBN 0313310033.

Temps: The Many Faces of the Changing Workplace артикул 1831c.
Temps: The Many Faces of the Changing Workplace артикул 1831c.

Now firmly established as fixtures of the American workplace, temporary employees comprise a much-discussed but still poorly understood segment of the labor force In this consciousness-raising book, Jackie Krasas Rogers explores the realities of temporary work from the points of view of workers, agencies, and clients, focusing especially одыъе on issues of race, gender, power, and identity Rogers investigates the situations of two very different kinds of temporary worker--lawyers and those in clerical settings--and finds contrasts and similarities between the two groups' reasons for seeking temporary work, the type of tasks performed, and the value attached to that labor The goals of temporary workers can be at odds with the interests of the agencyand the client, the other players in the power triad of "temping " Where clerical workers often see temporary employment as a stepping stone to a permanent job, many find upward mobility more illusory than real Because temporary workers can be called inand let go at will or whim, and they have no established social relations in the workplace, they often work harder than permanent workers Rogers, one of the authoritative scholars of temporary work in the United States, uses extensive archival and field data--including notes from her own work as an office temp--to put a face on America's temporary workforce.  ISBN 0801486629.

Песня артиллеристов Открытка артикул 1833c.
Песня артиллеристов Открытка артикул 1833c.

Издательство "Молодая гвардия", 1945 год Тираж 100000 Размер двойной открытки 9,6 х 7,5 см Сохранность хорошая Заломы верхних уголков В открытке напечатан текст "Песни артиллеристов" Фильм одыън «В 6 часов вечера после войны» был поставлен выдающимся советским режиссером Иваном Пырьевым В свое время картина как бы предсказывала, предвосхищала будущее Ведь она появилась на экранах, когда еще шли бои, но в ней уже полным голосом говорилось о Победе В фильме даже был показан Кремль, озаренный сиянием праздничного салюта Успех фильма неразрывно связан с замечательными песнями, которые сочинил для этой картины композитор Тихон Хренников Написаны они были на слова Виктора Гусева (он же был автором стихотворного сценария фильма) Перу этого талантливого поэта, рано ушедшего из жизни, принадлежат такие популярные песни, как «Полюшко-поле», «Песня о Москве», «Как за Камой за рекой», песни из кинофильма «Свинарка и пастух» В числе сочинений, написанных этими авторами для фильма «В 6 часов вечера после войны», была «Песня артиллеристов» Эта жизнеутверждающая строевая песня сразу же вошла в обиход, ее включили в свой репертуар многие армейские ансамбли, она звучала в эфире Ее полюбили и потому, что она страстно звала в бой, была проникнута горячей верой в грядущую победу За музыку к кинофильму «В 6 часов вечера после войны» Тихон Николаевич Хренников — ныне Герой Социалистического Труда, лауреат Ленинской премии, народный артист СССР — в 1946 году был удостоен Государственной премии СССР.  Молодая гвардия 1945 г.

Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer: How to Win Top Writing Assignments артикул 1835c.
Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer: How to Win Top Writing Assignments артикул 1835c.

Step-by-step instructions on how writers can earn top dollar writing for magazines are provided in this book Secrets are revealed about what the high-paying magazines really want, how to build relationships with editors, how to ascertain which sections of a magazine are open to freelancers, what kinds of stories are in demand, what to do if a deadbeat одыъщ publisher doesn't pay up, how to market reprints, and how to become an expert in one's chosen writing field Basic terms like query clips, and source sheet are defined for beginning writers, and tips on everything from coming up with an idea to pitching a syndicated column are also included Writers learn about the little-known sources top freelancers use to find new stories and experts In addition, they learn how to get their first paying assignments even if they have no prior clips, how to negotiate for better pay, how to find high-paying magazines that aren't swamped with queries, and how to worm their way into editors' inboxes even if their e-mail addresses aren't publicized.  ISBN 097220265X.

Rice-Paper Ceiling артикул 1837c.
Rice-Paper Ceiling артикул 1837c.

Every day, 700,000 Americans working in Japanese companies confront the "rice-paper ceiling " International business consultant Rochelle Kopp exposes this invisible obstacle to advancement at Japanese corporations, how it operates, and what you can do to "break through" it to improve your workplace relationships одыъю and career prospects Along the way she details case studies that reveal the profound differences between Japanese and American work styles and cultures If you work for a Japanese company, orplan to, you need this book New paperback edition.  ISBN 1880656515.

20/20 Hindsight: From Starting Up to Successful Entrepreneur, by Those Who'Ve Been There (Virgin Business Guides) артикул 1839c.
20/20 Hindsight: From Starting Up to Successful Entrepreneur, by Those Who'Ve Been There (Virgin Business Guides) артикул 1839c.

Do you often wonder how the most innovative entrepreneurs made it to where they are today? Would you like to know how they did what they did - and what it cost? In 20/20 Hindsight, Rachelle Thackray follows the stories of some of these entrepreneurs as they tell, in their own words, what drove them to set up the businesses they did, and what helped them одй trust in their own ideas Drawing on hundreds of interviews covering a variety of sectors - retail, finance, technology, design, consultancy -sheincludes snapshot accounts of: The initial brainwave Growth and expansion Setting up offices Forming partnerships Overcoming difficulties along the way What comes next? Every entrepreneur wishes they knew then what they know now With plenty of first-person advice and checklists to chart your progress through the issues raised at each stage, with 20/20 Hindsight you can start one jump ahead.  ISBN 0753505479.

Joe Torre's Ground Rules for Winners : 12 Keys to Managing Team Players, Tough Bosses, Setbacks, and Success артикул 1841c.
Joe Torre's Ground Rules for Winners : 12 Keys to Managing Team Players, Tough Bosses, Setbacks, and Success артикул 1841c.

This BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal Business, and New York Post bestseller is now in paperback! "Joe Torre is not only a winner but a man who exemplifies leadership for the new millennium Great book that's on the money "--Rick Pitino, bestsellingauthor of Success Is a Choice With three World Series Championships under his belt in одн four years, who better to give advice on managing than the most beloved and successful manager of the New York Yankees Joe Torre With entertaining stories from hisexperiences with the always colorful Yankees, he reveals the twelve keys to his successful management philosophy keys directly applicable to business and to life, from how to handle tough bosses to earning the trust and respect of your team players "Perhaps more than any other manager, Joe Torre understands that success is the product of hard work, patience, a little luck, and maintaining perspective "--Cal Ripken, Jr , Baltimore Orioles.  ISBN 0786884789.

What Would Machiavelli Do? The Ends Justify the Meanness артикул 1843c.
What Would Machiavelli Do? The Ends Justify the Meanness артикул 1843c.

What Would Machiavelli Do? He would feast on other people's discord He wouldn't exactly seek the company of ass-kissers and bimbos, but he wouldn't reject them out of hand either He would realize that loving yourself means never having to say you're sorry He would kill people, but only if he could feel good about himself afterward He would establish одс and maintain a psychotic level of control He would use other people's opinions to sell his book!.  ISBN 0066620104.

Варшава Мост через Вислу Открытка артикул 1845c.
Варшава Мост через Вислу Открытка артикул 1845c.

Открытка выпущена в Польше (начало ХХ века) H P Nasladownictwo zastrzezone Размер 13,7 х 8,7 см Сохранность хорошая Временные пятна, небольшая потертость верхних углов Письмо, штемпель, марка одю на оборотной стороне Без меток альбома Иллюстрации.  Размер: 13,7 х 8,7 см Издательство: H P Nasladownictwo zastrzezone; 1910 г.

Кое-кто попался Открытка артикул 1847c.
Кое-кто попался Открытка артикул 1847c.

Открытка выпущена в Европе (конец XIX века) Логотип: в центре двойного круга переплетение латинских букв "W", "V" Размер 14,1 х 9,2 см Сохранность удовлетворительная В центре одыьж вертикальная складка Уголки потерты Временные пятна Залом левых уголков Левый нижний уголок оторван Два прокола в верхней части Письмо Метки альбома Марки Штемпели.  1890 г.

Jobs in the Drug Industry: A Career Guide for Chemists артикул 1849c.
Jobs in the Drug Industry: A Career Guide for Chemists артикул 1849c.

This book is intended to help newly graduated chemists, particularly organic chemists, at all levels from bachelors to post-doctorates, find careers in the North American pharmaceutical industry It will serve as a practical, detailed guiedbook for job seekers as well a reference work for faculty advisers, research supervisors, development одыьи officers, employment agents, and personnel managers in the industry The book gathers in a single volume the fundamentals of getting an industrial job as a medicinal or process chemist, and covers all aspects of a chemist's job--scientific, financial, and managerial--within a pharmaceutical/biotechnology company Other scientists looking for jobs as analytical or physical chemists and even biochemists and biologists will find the book useful The valuable appendix is a unique compendium of 365 commercial, governmental, or non-profit institutions that comprise the North American pharmaceutical industry Key Features * Learn How To: * Discover the 12 permanent, big-pharma jobs for B S chemists * Use the 500+ company index to locate potential employers * Track pharma openings with 190+ corporate and chemist-specific job banks * Add industry veterans to your employment network * Find the 50+ companies offering paid summer internships to students * Include the one resume item that wins interviews for B S and M S chemists * Express a knowledgeable preference for drug discovery or development * Research over 360 drug companies through their Web sites * Discover the 70+ firms offering stock purchase plans or stock options¾and which two represent big pharma * Find out your salary offer in time to negotiate your wages.  ISBN 0122676459.

Four Seasons of Leadership артикул 1851c.
Four Seasons of Leadership артикул 1851c.

Building a beautiful life or legacy takes hard work Just as gardening or farming requires us to get our hands dirty and work for the rewards, so too, are the fruits of our labors only to be found after long hours of practice, focus and patience While many of us dream of easy solutions, or hope some luck will make all our wishes come true, the law of the universe одыьц and the cycle of life demand hard work and perseverance They are the only fairy dust for fulfilling dreams and ambitions This book gives hope to weary work-aholics and heals the heart of embattled entrepreneurs or managers by bringing to mind the reasons we work so hard It is about fulfilling your leadership and life dreams, and about considering the legacy you will leave It describes how great leaders begin their journey to leadership early in life and ultimately find satisfaction in their personal lives by: Developing a personal mission statement (Winter) Obtaining wisdom through education (Spring) Developing personal character (Summer) Leading through serving and mentoring others (Autumn).  ISBN 1890009563.

Николай Судник, Вячеслав Гайворонский Delicatessen артикул 1853c.
Николай Судник, Вячеслав Гайворонский Delicatessen артикул 1853c.

Деликатесы - это то, что вкусно и необычно Вкусно и необычно приготовлено и главное, вкусно и необычно употреблено Еще деликатесы - это то, что нельзя употреблять повседневно одыьш Иначе они перестают быть таковыми и превращаются в обыденность Деликатесы - это праздник К ним надо обращаться не каждый день, а иногда, когда необходимо вырваться из рутины и оказаться над ней То есть деликатесы - это способ повышения качества жизни Или иначе способ оказаться в измененной реальности Все это относится к любым деликатесам Перед вами деликатесы музыкальные, хорошо приготовленные, в меру темперированные и тщательно законсервированные Конечно, в живой музыке есть своя неизъяснимая прелесть, но ведь вы пришли в магазин за консервами, не так ли? И теперь держите в руках открытую коробочку с вкуснейшими деликатесами Понимаю, что вам не терпится их вкусить, хотя предвкушение наслаждения порой столь же сладостно, как и оно само Кушайте На здоровье Содержание 1 Part I (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 2 Part II (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 3 Part III (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 4 Part IV (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 5 Part V (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 6 Part VI (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 7 Part VII (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 8 Part VIII (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 9 Part IX (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 10 Part X (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 11 Part XI (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 12 Part XII (Delikatessen In 12 Parts) 13 Etude 14 Canon In Em 15 Divertissmento Исполнители Николай Судник 1957 года рождения Композитор, Музыкант, создатель оригинальных музыкальных инструментов, руководитель группы ЗГА, С-Петербург 1984 - Организовал в Риге экспериментальную рок-группу группу ЗГА (совместно с В Дудкиным) В Вячеслав Гайворонский Viacheslav Gaivoronsky.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Длинные Руки Рекордс Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Сборник.

The Business of Theatrical Design артикул 1855c.
The Business of Theatrical Design артикул 1855c.

For theatrical design students and theater professionals, here is the essential guide to marketing your skills, furthering your career, and operating a successful business! In The Business of Theatrical Design, design veteran James Moody shares his proven techniques to help costume, scenic, and lighting designers become successful businesspeople одыьэ Here is the latest information regarding IRS, state, and business liabilities; salary and fee scales; equipment costs; professional organizations; union and contract issues; and much more Plus dozens of working producers, promoters, and designers share their insights and offer a thorough, true-to-life profile of this competitive industry An indispensable resource for anyone looking to pursue a career in the theater!.  ISBN 1581152485.

What Matters Most : The Power of Living Your Values артикул 1857c.
What Matters Most : The Power of Living Your Values артикул 1857c.

In What Matters Most, bestselling author Hyrum W Smith explains why so many people feel something is missing from their lives because of conflicts between actions and personal values Through compelling examples from others and from his own extensive experience, Smith outlines a simple but powerful formula to help you identify your own values одыэе and live them to the fullest This strategy consists of three valuable steps: Discover what matters most to you Make a plan Act on that plan By incorporating Smith's strategy into your life, you will not only re-embrace your values but you will make them your priority What Matters Most is an indispensable and timely guide to living a truly fulfilling life and becoming the person you always wanted to be.  ISBN 0684872579.

Kiyoshi Kitagawa Prayer артикул 1859c.
Kiyoshi Kitagawa Prayer артикул 1859c.

Любителям джазового трио Сам Kitagawa басист, на пиано Kenny Barron, ударные Brian Blade Все три личности очень известные Guess What, Back Stage Sally, Prayer Содержание 1 Guess What Киеши Китагава 2 Back Stage Sally Уэйн Шортер одыэи 3 Prayer Киеши Китагава 4 Catch And Release Киеши Китагава 5 Etude In Three Киеши Китагава 6 Evidence Телониус Монк 7 Oleo Сонни Роллинз 8 Loney Woman Орнэт Коулмен 9 A Place To remember Киеши Китагава Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Киеши Китагава Kitoshi Kitagawa Уэйн Шортер Wayne Shorter Телониус Монк Thelonious Monk Знаменитый джазовый пианист и композитор, бескомпромиссный новатор, чей талант далеко не всегда признавали как критики, так и коллеги-музыканты, Телониус Спир Монк родился 10 сентября 1917 года в городе Роки Маунт в Северной Каролине Вырос в Нью-Йорке.  Формат: Audio CD (DigiPack) Дистрибьютор: Sketch Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2005 г Сборник.

Life Without Limits артикул 1861c.
Life Without Limits артикул 1861c.

In Life Without Limits, Bassett asks, "If you could have, do, and be anything right now, what would you ask for?" Eight out of ten people are unable to answer this simple question How about you? Do you know how to get what you want? Do you even know what you want? What do you see when you look in the mirror? A self-confident, radiant person who одыэо is living life to the fullest? Or do you see a frustrated, insecure, dissatisfied person who doesn't know how to change things? Bassett says, "Inmy work, I am continually amazed at the number of people who are personally, professionally, and financially frustrated But the worst part is, if they could change things, they aren't sure how, or even what they would change " People stop dreaming, settling for a life that is neither satisfying nor rewarding because their fears and insecurities prevent them from seeing what they want in life, and how to get it Acquiring happiness, wealth, or success on any level is difficult when you aren't clear aboutwhat you want and you don't have a plan Before you know it, years pass by, and you're looking back with regrets "In my work over the past fourteen years, I have encountered two types of people The first group is the "doers " They are the movers and the shakers They plan their life and are strongly motivated They are on a clear path, know exactly what they want, and they are willing to take the risks to get it The second group is the "drifters " They drift through life with no real sense of direction, ending up frustrated This can happen to people in the most prestigious occupations The drifters have a hard time establishing a sense of true happiness, satisfaction, or security because they know they aren't where they "should be," but they don't know what to do about it Life Without Limits helps you clarify what you want in every area of your life By using Bassett's powerful techniques you will change, therefore your life will change Your thoughts are magnets attracting everything from the type of people you meet to the types of opportunities that come your way Your thinking must be clear, distinct, and sharply defined Your focused thoughts elicit emotion; your emotions ignite your actions and have a tremendous effect on theuniversal energy that surrounds you You control your life You control your destiny And only you can take steps to change it Life Without Limits helps you take back your power Life Without Limits is the complete guide to attaining abundance in every area of your life It will help you to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment personally, professionally, and financially Once you have defined what success means for you, you will clarify your dreams and start pursuing them Opportunities will present themselves, new doors will open, and you will begin to live the life you were meant to live: a life without limits "Begin now to change the person you are into the person you know you have the potential to become " -- Lucinda Bassett.  ISBN 0060956526.

The Self-Esteem Workbook артикул 1863c.
The Self-Esteem Workbook артикул 1863c.

A host of dysfunctional and self-destructive patterns arise at minor and acute levels if an individual dislikes him- or herself Despite the importance of self-esteem, surprisingly little attention has been focused on building it directly, until now Designed in an easy-to-use format, The Self-Esteem Workbook presents a course in self-esteem одыэф based on new research and sound principles Checklists, fill-ins, and exercises show readers how thoughts, emotions, physical health, and behavior impact their self-esteem Periodic checkups help them gauge their progress, and final sections offer strategies for preventing relapse.  ISBN 1572242523.

Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activities артикул 1865c.
Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activities артикул 1865c.

Twenty-one sets of twenty-one ideas, activities and tips drawn from decades of international practical experience Making participation real requires workshops, training and learning that are themselves participatory This sourcebook presents the results of the author's vast experience in the form of twenty-one sets of ideas, activities одыэш and tips, both serious and fun, for topics such as getting started, seating, forming groups, managing large numbers, analysis, feedback, evaluation and ending From the Preface: "This is for all who try to help others learn and change There is something here for participatory teachers and trainers; for organizers, moderators and facilitators who want their conferences and workshops to be interactive; for staff in training institutes who want to enliven their courses; for faculty and teachers in universities, colleges and schools who would like to enable students to do more of their own analysis; and for those engaged in management training who want to widen their repertoire ".  ISBN 1853838632.

Bagad De Lann-Bihoue Ar Mor Divent артикул 1867c.
Bagad De Lann-Bihoue Ar Mor Divent артикул 1867c.

Содержание 1 Marche Du Pays De Retz 2 Ronds De St Vincent 3 Cayenne 4 Ar Mor Divent (The Water Is Wide / La Mer Est Immense) 5 Suite De Gavottes Du Pays Montagne 6 Ensemble De Bombardes: Kas A Barzh / Valse De Guemene 7 Suite Pipe-Band: Bc Niven / Journey To Sky / Flee The Glen / The Panda 8 Ensemble De Batterie 9 Marche D'elven (Business Anti-Swing) одыюг 10 Dans Plinn 11 Ag An Douar D'ar Mor 12 Triniou Исполнитель "Bagad De Lann-Bihoue".  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: Columbia, SONY BMG Австрия Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2000 г Альбом: Импортное издание.

Jesus, Entrepreneur: Using Ancient Wisdom to Launch and Live Your Dreams артикул 1814c.
Jesus, Entrepreneur: Using Ancient Wisdom to Launch and Live Your Dreams артикул 1814c.

He didn’t work for money He was willing to walk away He invested his emotions wisely He did sweat the small stuff Beyond work, beyond entrepreneurism, there is “spiritreneurism”—work that allows you to do well by doing right In Jesus, Entrepreneur, Laurie Beth Jones, bestselling author of Jesus, CEO, shows you how to find soul satisfaction одышт in your work Jones shows that there is no contradiction between earning a comfortable living even as you useyour job to promote your deepest spiritual and personal beliefs How exactly is this possible? By sharing timeless wisdom from the Bible and anecdotes from her own life and consulting career, as well as tales from the best and worst work situations in today’s rapidly changing business environment, she reveals how you can inspire yourself and your coworkers to use your highest gifts to benefit the bottom line A genius at making the powerful familiar, Jones offers a commandingly fresh and compelling case for Jesus as a role model for modern times Rich with humor, exercises, meditations, and case histories, Jesus, Entrepreneur is essential reading for those seeking to put their spirituality to practical use.  ISBN 0609808788.

Managing to Have Fun артикул 1816c.
Managing to Have Fun артикул 1816c.

What's the best way to revolutionize the workplace? Forget restructuring and reengineering Have a little fun! Imaging sendig a pizza to your assistant's home after keeping her late at the office or writing a "thank you" note to her spouse for being so understanding! It's not business as usual, but as management consultant Matt Weinstein одышч makes clear, recognition and appreciation can play a vital role in boosting morale and productivity among stressed-out, overworked employees Based on his success with some of America's best-known and most profitable companies, Weinstein presents a step-by-step plan for building an enthusiastic, high-performance team and offers hundreds of tried-and-true techniques for enhancing employee satisfaction andpersonal pride.  ISBN 0684827085.

GROWING A BUSINESS артикул 1818c.
GROWING A BUSINESS артикул 1818c.

Nearly everyone harbors a secret dream of starting or owning a business In fact, 1,000,000 businesses start in the United States every year Many of them fail, but enough succeed so that small businesses are now adding millions of jobs to the economy at the same time that the Fortune 500 companies are actually losing jobs Paul Hawken -- entrepreneur одышя and best-selling author -- wrote Growing a Business for those who set out to make their dream a reality He knows what he's talking about; he is his own best example of success In the early 1970s, while he was still in his twenties, he founded Erewhon, the largest distributor of natural foods More recently, he founded and still runs Smith & Hawken, the premier mail-order garden tool company And he wrote a critically acclaimed book called The Next Economy about the future of the economy Using examples like Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream, and University National Bank of Palo Alto, California, Hawken shows that the successful business is an expression of an individual person The most successful business, your idea for a business, will grow from something that is deep within you, something that can't be stolen by anyone because it is so uniquely yours that anyone else who tried to execute your idea would fail He dispels the myth of the risk-taking entrepreneur The purpose of business, he points out, is not to take risks but rather to get something done.  ISBN 0671671642.

Think to Win: Strategic Dimension of Tennis артикул 1820c.
Think to Win: Strategic Dimension of Tennis артикул 1820c.

"This book will flat-out help you win" Charles Hoeveler, Founder and President, Adidas Tennis Camps International, and number-one-ranked player in the world, 1992, Men's Senior Division"Think to Win is an absolutely unique book, revealing the intricate form and function of the art of tennis, explaining the ever-present linkage одыщб of strokes and tactics, strategies and psychologies Allen Fox, a world-class player and tennis thinker, has written a brilliant and witty book which will highly benefit players and coaches from all levels of the game" David A Benjamin, Executive Director, Intercollegiate Tennis Association, and Men's Tennis Coach, Princeton University"Allen Fox's brilliant insights on strategy will benefit players at all levels, from the kids that attend my tennis camps to the nationally ranked players on my Stanford team And as sophisticated as it is, it's a lot of fun to read" Dick Gould, Coach, Stanford Men's Tennis Team Формат: 19 см x 23 см 1 edition Автор Allen Fox.  Издательство: Harper Paperbacks, 1993 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0060982004 Язык: Английский.

Крым Деревня на месте старинного гор Партеноса (около Гурзуфа) Открытка артикул 1822c.
Крым Деревня на месте старинного гор Партеноса (около Гурзуфа) Открытка артикул 1822c.

Издание Товарищества Р Голике и А Вильборг, Россия, 10-е годы XX века Размер 14,1 х 9,2 см Сохранность хорошая Незначительные потертости уголков На оборотной стороне письмо Метки одыщз альбома На открытке репродукция работы художника А Остроумовой "Крым Деревня на месте старинного гор Партеноса (около Гурзуфа)" Иллюстрации.  Издательство: Товарищество Р Голике и А Вильборг; 1911 г.

Project Management : A Managerial Approach артикул 1824c.
Project Management : A Managerial Approach артикул 1824c.

The book is primarily intended for use as a college textbook for teaching project management at the advanced undergraduate or master's level The text is appropriate for classes on the management of service, product, engineering projects, as well as information systems (IS) Thus, we have included some coverage of material concerning information одыщй systems and how IS projects differ from and are similar to regular business projects The authors draw upon their personal experiences working with project managers and on the experience of friends and colleagues who have spent much of their working lives serving as project managers in the "real world " Thus, in contrast to the books that are about project management, this book teaches students how to do project management Project Management: A Managerial Approach 5E addresses project management from a management perspective rather than a cookbook, special area treatise, or collection of loosely associated articles It addresses the basic nature of managing all types of projects - public, business, engineering, information systems, and so on - as well as specific techniques and insights required to carry out this unique way of getting things done It deals with the problems of selecting projects, initiating them, and operating and controlling them It discusses the demands made on the project manager and the nature of the manager's interaction with the rest of the parent organization It covers the difficult problems associated with conducting a project using people and organizations that represent different cultures and may be separated by considerable distances It even covers the issues arising when the decision is made to terminate a project.  ISBN 0471073237.

Pure Michael Hedges артикул 1826c.
Pure Michael Hedges артикул 1826c.

Серийный альбом гитариста Майкла Хеджеса Издание содержит небольшой буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 Ragamuffin 2 Because It's There 3 Chava's Song 4 The Streamlined одыщм Man 5 Aerial Boundaries 6 Rikki's Shuffle 7 The Funky Avocado 8 Bensusan 9 Ursa Major 10 Jitterboogie 11 Rickover's Dream 12 I Carry Your Heart 13 Layover 14 Java Man 15 Hot Type 16 If I Needed Someone (bonus track) Исполнитель Майкл Хеджес Michael Hedges.  Серия: Pure.

Databases for the Study of Entrepreneurship артикул 1828c.
Databases for the Study of Entrepreneurship артикул 1828c.

Hardbound Papers reporting on the structure, utilization and analytic concerns arising from the use of the major datasets in small business and entrepreneurship research including: the National Federation of Independent Businesses surveys, US Small Business Administration datasets, the General Social Survey, the US Current Population одыщп Surveys, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, and many others from around the world.  ISBN 0762303255.

Quantum Investing : Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology, and the Future of the Stock Market артикул 1830c.
Quantum Investing : Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology, and the Future of the Stock Market артикул 1830c.

Book Description Quantum Investing is a book about today?s ascendant quantum-physics-based industries, such as communications, biotechnology, and nanotechnology Author Stephen Waite makes clear why these areas are the most important investment opportunities today and how these industries will have a profound impact on our economy ?Waite одыщщ nails the big ideas that will create the next revolution Don?t leave the 20th Century without it ? ? Christopher Meyer, Director, The Cap Gemini Center for Business Innovation.  2004 г ISBN 1587991934.

Разное Комплект № 2 12 открыток артикул 1832c.
Разное Комплект № 2 12 открыток артикул 1832c.

В комплект вошли открытки: 1 Наше солнце Художник В Дозе Издание "Ришаръ" Размер 13,7 х 9 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы помяты, без письма 2 Frohliche Weihnachten! Размер 13,9 одыъй х 9 см Сохранность хорошая Без меток альбома, углы округлены, без письма 3 Корабль Размер 8,7 х 13,6 см Сохранность хорошая Без меток альбома, углы немного округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо 4 Сирин и Алконост Песнь радости и песнь печали Художник В Васнецов Издательство Красного креста Размер 8,6 х 14 см Сохранность хорошая Без меток альбома, углы немного округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо 5 Глухари Размер 8,9 х 13,7 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы немного округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо 6 Граф Цеппелин Размер 8,8 х 13,8 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы немного округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо и штемпель 7 "Цеппелин IV" Детальный вид: рули поворотов и рули глубины Фототипия А Ф Дресслера Размер 8,9 х 14 см Сохранность хорошая Без меток альбома, углы округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо, марка и штемпель 8 Псков Образская церковь Издательство Красного креста Размер 9 х 13,7 см Сохранность хорошая Без меток альбома, углы немного округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо, марка и штемпель 9 Вид на Исаакиевский собор с р Невы Издательство Красного креста Размер 9 х 13,7 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы немного округлены, без письма 10 Chocolate Teddie Издание Tuck & Sons "Oilette" Размер 8,6 х 13,8 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо, марка и штемпель 11 Little Teddies off For a Swim Издание Tuck & Sons "Oilette" Размер 8,6 х 13,8 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо, марка и штемпель 12 Castles in the Air Размер 8,8 х 14 см Сохранность хорошая Метки альбома, углы округлены, на оборотной стороне открытки письмо, марка и штемпель.  Издание "Ришаръ", Община Святой Евгении, Raphael Tuck & Sons "Oilette" 1910 г.

Hollywood 101: The Film Industry артикул 1834c.
Hollywood 101: The Film Industry артикул 1834c.

Looking for a career in the film business? Look no further Making it in Hollywood is possible But only if you have a workable strategy When author Frederick Levy launched his own fledgling career, he didnt' know a soul in the business But that didn't stop him and it doesn't have to stop you Hollywood 101 is a complete game plan for getting your foot in the одыът door of the film industry With fascinating inside stories and advice from key players, it takes you step-by-step up the ladder of success Whether you aspire to be a producer, director, writer, talent agent, and any other behind-the-camera professional, this is the one book you need to turn your "reel" dreams into reality!.  ISBN 1580631231.

Broadcasting Realities: Real-Life Issues and Insights for Broadcast Journalists, Aspiring Journalists and Broadcasters артикул 1836c.
Broadcasting Realities: Real-Life Issues and Insights for Broadcast Journalists, Aspiring Journalists and Broadcasters артикул 1836c.

Are news values changing? You bet they are Broadcasting Realities, by Ken Lindner, will profoundly change the way broadcasters and their audiences understand television news While aimed at broadcasters and aspiring broadcasters, Lindner's sensitive but provocative examination of the ethical and practical decision behind the scenes of broadcasting's одыъь biggest stories will fascinate anyone who follows current events.  ISBN 1566251141.

Clueless in Advertising артикул 1838c.
Clueless in Advertising артикул 1838c.

What is it like to work in advertising? What career paths are available? How do you get a job in an agency? CLUELESS IN ADVERTISING is the first book with all the answers for students, jobseekers and new recruits You will discover how advertising works, how ads are made, and how they are tested Step behind the scenes in an advertising agency and find out одыъя all about the different jobs available in account management, creative and media Pick up tips on how to make the most of an interview, whatyou need to say and show, and how headhunters can help you PLUS: theres lots of advice from the worlds top names in advertising and a great selection of ads to inspire you This is the ONE book you need to get your career started!.  ISBN 013008378X.

The Lost Art of Entrepreneurship: Rediscovering The Principles That Will Guarantee Your Success артикул 1840c.
The Lost Art of Entrepreneurship: Rediscovering The Principles That Will Guarantee Your Success артикул 1840c.

Fenton Rice is an entrepreneur challenged by, what he believes is, the obstacle to his success in business A threatening letter from the bank confirms his beliefs and suddenly throws him into a fierce fight for his entrepreneurial life Frustrated andunsure what to do next, Fenton is introduced to his last hope, wise, old Hugh Belden Hugh chanllenges одм everything Fenton once thought was trus about business, about himself and about success Fenton then uses the principles he has learned to start his comeback, but the bad news just keeps coming Is it too late for Fenton? Can he overcome the obstacles in his way? The Lost Art of Entrepreneurship is a fast paced story of challenge, action and inspiration The lessons are practical and relevant to almost to almost every business situation The lessons here are real and what Fenton learned, you'll want to know.  ISBN 0965619451.

Morillo My World артикул 1842c.
Morillo My World артикул 1842c.

"Я хочу вернуть людей к танцевальной музыке!" - заявил продюсер и владелец собственного лейбла Erick Morillo Заявил он это не просто так, а в преддверии выхода своего нового альбома одп "My World" Работа над новым альбомом велась два года В записи принимал участие культовый американский реппер Puff Daddy Оказывается, Puff Daddy является заядлым клаббером и приезжает на Ибицу каждый год (!) и очень рад, что ему предстоит выступить на презентации нового альбома Morillo в элитарном клубе "Pacha" Помимо P Diddy, к созданию нового альбома приложили руку такие музыканты, как Boy George, DJ Rap & Mad Stuntman (Real 2 Real) Остается добавить, что в новом видео на "Break Down The Doors" снималась супермодель Naomi Campbell Содержание 1 Break Down The Doors Morillo, "Audio Bullys" 2 Happy Morillo, DJ Rap 3 What Do You Want Morillo, Terra Deva 4 Sunshine Morillo, "Audio Bullys" 5 Rock My Body Morillo, Шоуни Тейлор 6 Dance I Said Morillo, Sean "P Diddy" Combs 7 Lessons Morillo, "Audio Bullys" 8 Waiting In The Darkness Morillo, Лесли Картер 9 My World Morillo, Sean "P Diddy" Combs 10 Who Am I Today Morillo, Бой Джордж 11 Beat Down Morillo, Шоуни Тейлор 12 Take It Slow Morillo, Мэд Стантмен, Шоуни Тейлор 13 Come Make Me Over Morillo, Шоуни Тейлор Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Morillo "Audio Bullys" DJ Rap.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: Subliminal Records, Правительство звука, World Club Music Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Сборник.

101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 3rd Edition : Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started on the Road to Success (101 Best Home-Based Busineses for Women) артикул 1844c.
101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 3rd Edition : Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started on the Road to Success (101 Best Home-Based Busineses for Women) артикул 1844c.

Can I be a stay-at-home mom and still earn extra income? Which home business is best for me? Where can I find expert advice on launching my own business? How much will it cost to get started? For nearly two decades, bestselling author and home-based business guru Priscilla Y Huff has run a successful writing business out of her home while balancing her одь family life In fact, this book, now in its third edition, is proof of her success Her valuable advice on what works—and what doesn't—is available to you From start-up costs to potential income, this book shows you how to: ·Choose the perfect home-based business from 101 of the best: customer service, arts and crafts, entertainment, computer and high tech, mail order, home-based distributorships and franchises, and many others ·Take the first steps to starting any business ·Find and use valuable resources, including local, state, and federal government sources; business and professional associations; books, Web sites, and other publications ·And much, much more! You'll also find inspiring stories from businesswomen who have achieved success and financial reward If you've ever dreamed of owning your own business, this book should be your first investment.  ISBN 0761528172.

Project Management (The Briefcase Book Series) артикул 1846c.
Project Management (The Briefcase Book Series) артикул 1846c.

This reader-friendly series is a must read for all levels of managers All managers, whether brand-new to their positions or well established in the corporate hierarchy, can use a little brushing-up now and then The skills-based Briefcase Books Series is filled with ideas and strategies to help managers become more capable, efficient, effective, одыьа and valuable to their corporations Project Management reviews the steps in organizing and managing projects, from how to build a realistic schedule to how to measure both success and failure A concise and accessible, yet authoritative, guide to a topic in which books are more often lengthy and technical, Project Management discusses team building, timing, the planning process, estimating project costs, managing project interfaces, the four stages of risk management, and more.  ISBN 0071379525.

101 Careers : A Guide to the Fastest-Growing Opportunities артикул 1848c.
101 Careers : A Guide to the Fastest-Growing Opportunities артикул 1848c.

The Essential Guide to the Most Promising Jobs for the Next Century The only job resource you'll ever need has been newly updated to provide even more information on the best career opportunities available now and into the next century Based on research from the 1998—99 edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor одыьз Statistics, 101 Careers: A Guide to the Fastest Growing Opportunities, Second Edition reveals the occupational areas that have grown the fastest in the last decade, including computer personnel, human resource managers, lawyers, and engineers It also identifies new areas of potential growth in the job market, such as health care services for the elderly, childcare, and financial management Each occupation is covered in detail, including a job description, prospects, qualifications, personal skills, and earnings, and there is also new information on searching for jobs on the World Wide Web Includes a complete overview of each occupation detailing the nature of the work, working conditions, training and educational requirements, and projected salaries Concise coverage of all fast-growing areas of the employment sector, including professions from computer technology and finance to lawenforcement Resource listings of trade magazines by industry, professional organizations, and much more.  ISBN 047124189X.

Ja Rule Rule 3:36 артикул 1850c.
Ja Rule Rule 3:36 артикул 1850c.

Он единственный в своем роде После двух платиновых альбомов ясно, что он занял свою собственную нишу в хип-хопе, и он неповторим В его активе дуэты с такими мега-звездами, как Christina одыьл Milian, Ashanti и J-Lo, а также главные роли в трех блокбастерах - "The Fast & The Furious", "Turn It Up" и "Half Dead" Но некоторых фактов о нем вы еще не знали - Ja Rule написал мега-хит Jay-Z "Can I Get A…", принимал участие в американской рекламной компании Clavin Klein, а скоро предъявит поклонникам сюрприз вместе с Mary J Blige ("Rainy Days") и J-Lo ("Ain’t It Funny Remix") Содержание 1 Intro 2 Watching Me 3 Between Me And You (feat Christina Milian) 4 Put It On Me (feat Vita) 5 6 Feet Underground 6 Love Me, Hate Me 7 Die 8 F*** You (feat 01 and Vita) 9 I'll F***K U Girl 10 Grey Box 11 Extasy (feat Tah Murdah, Black Child, Jayo Felony) 12 It's Your Life (feat Shade Sheist) 13 I Cry (feat Lil' Mo) 14 One Of Us 15 Chris Black 16 The Rule Won't Die Исполнитель Джа Рул Ja Rule.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: The Island Def Jam Music Group, ООО "Юниверсал Мьюзик" Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2000 г Альбом.

Writing and Speaking in the Technology Professions : A Practical Guide артикул 1852c.
Writing and Speaking in the Technology Professions : A Practical Guide артикул 1852c.

An updated edition of the classic guide to technical communication Consider that 20 to 50 percent of a technology professionals time is spent communicating with others Whether writing a memo, preparing a set of procedures, or making an oral presentation, effective communication is vital to your professional success This anthology delivers одыьч concrete advice from the foremost experts on how to communicate more effectively in the workplace The revised and expanded second edition of this popular book completely updates the original, providing authoritative guidance on communicating via modern technology in the contemporary work environment Two new sections on global communication and the Internet address communicating effectively in the context of increased e-mail and web usage As in the original, David Beers Second Edition discusses a variety of approaches, such as: Writing technical documents that are clear and effective Giving oral presentations moreconfidently Using graphics and other visual aids judiciously Holding productive meetings Becoming an effective listener The new edition also includes updated articles on working with others to get results and on giving directions that work Each article is aimed specifically at the needs of engineers and others in the technology professions, and is written by a practicing engineer or a technical communicator Technical engineers, IEEE society members,and technical writing teachers will find this updated edition of David Beers classic Writing and Speaking in the Technology Professions an invaluable guide to successful communication.  ISBN 0471444731.

Ghostface Killah Ghostdini Wizard Of Poetry In Emerald City артикул 1854c.
Ghostface Killah Ghostdini Wizard Of Poetry In Emerald City артикул 1854c.

Восьмой студийный альбом американского рэпера Сингл "Baby" с нового альбома уже успел понравиться как многочисленным фанатам GFK, так и критикам Содержание 1 Not Your Average Girl - одыьъ Feat "Shareefa" 2 Do Over - Feat Рахим Де Вон 3 Baby - Feat Рахим Де Вон 4 Lonely - Feat Джек Найт 5 Stapleton Sex 6 Stay 7 Paragraphs Of Love - Feat Вон Энтони, Estelle 8 Guest House - Feat Fabolous 9 Let's Stop Playin' - Feat Джон Ледженд 10 Forever 11 I'll Be That - Feat Эдриенн Бейлон 12 Goner - Feat Lloyd 13 She's A Killah (Bonus Track) - Feat Рон Броуз 14 Back Like That Remix (Bonus Track) - Feat Кэнья Уэст, Ne-Yo Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Килла Хостфэйс Killah Ghostface "Shareefa" Рахим Де Вон Raheem DeVaughn.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: The Island Def Jam Music Group, ООО "Юниверсал Мьюзик" Россия Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2009 г Сборник: Российское издание.

Paralegal Career Guide (3rd Edition) артикул 1856c.
Paralegal Career Guide (3rd Edition) артикул 1856c.

This Third Edition will guide readers to transform their career Readers will be rewarded with wonderful relationships with bosses, coworkers, and peers After the Revolution: The Radically Changing Paralegal World; Firing Up Commitment for Strategic Career Planning; Educating Paralegals; Talking the Talk; Paralegal Careers in the New Millennium; одыэа When to Say NO to Your Dream Job; Cutting-Edge Legal Careers In the Virtual Workplace; In Pursuit of Success; Shifts in Legal Temporary Staffing Trends; Careers with Legal Vendors; Learning the Secrets of Quality Service; Baby Boomers Meet Generation X; The Experienced Paralegal: Climbing the Invisible Career Ladder; Using Vendors to Upgrade Your Career; Billables: A Win-Win; Getting Up Off the Sticky Floor; You Call This Networking?; Paralegal Orientation Program for New Hires and Temps; The Paralegal Manager; Straight Talk from a Few of the Most Powerful Paralegal Administrators in the Country; Creating an Environment for Keeping Talent; Formal Evaluations; How Partners Get Paid Those Big Bucks; Toxic Bosses; Positive Career Changes; Career Questions and Answers; Reaching Out: The Joys of Writing and Teaching; Legal Secretaries Seeking Paralegal Positions; Creating A Business; Trial: The BrassRing; A Quiet Revolution; Surfing the Net; Litigation Support: Systems, Software, Services You'll Need to Know; Just Do It.  ISBN 0130908649.

Do One Thing Different : Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life артикул 1858c.
Do One Thing Different : Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life артикул 1858c.

You can move quickly from "stuck" to "smooth sailing" in all aspects of your life using Bill O'Hanlon's ten easy Solution Keys, Humorous, direct, and effective, they help you change how you view and "do" your problems-from difficult relationships to enhancing sexuality and resolving conflicts of all kinds The одыэз next time you have a problem, try one of these solution Keys: Break Problem Patter: Change any one of what you usually do in the problem situation-i e do one thing different! Example: If you usually get angry and defensive, sit quietly and listen Find and Use Solution Pattern: Import solutions from other situations where you felt competent Examples: what do you know on the golf course that you forget when you getbehind the wheel of your car? What do you say to resolve a problem with an angry customer that you don't say to your angry partner? Shift Your Attention: Focus what you would like to have happen rather than on what is happening Grounded in therapeutic practice, this bold and funny book will put you back in control of your emotions and your life.  ISBN 0688177948.

Crosby Nash (2 CD) артикул 1860c.
Crosby Nash (2 CD) артикул 1860c.

Представляем вашему вниманию совместный сборник Дэвида Кросби и Нэша Грэма Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание одыэл CD1: Crosby Nash 1 Lay Me Down 2 Puppeteer 3 Through Here Quite Often 4 Grace 5 Jesus Of Rio 6 I Surrender 7 Luck Dragon 8 Other Side Of Town 9 Half Your Angels 10 They Want It All 11 How Does It Shine CD2: Crosby Nash 1 Don't Dig Here 2 Milky Way Tonight 3 Charlie 4 Penguin In A Palm Tree 5 Michael (Hedges Here) 6 Samurai 7 Shining On Your Dreams 8 Live On (The Wall) 9 My Country 'Tis Of Thee Исполнитель Дэвид Кросби David Crosby.  Формат: 2 Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Sanctuary Records Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Сборник.

Peter Hammill Chameleon In The Shadows Of The Night артикул 1862c.
Peter Hammill Chameleon In The Shadows Of The Night артикул 1862c.

Питер Хэммил - английский арт-рок-музыкант В каждом альбоме Хэммил предстает перед слушателями в новом образе, не боясь кардинально менять стиль своей музыки, в то же время, одыэр не гонясь за модными течениями Представляем вашему вниманию альбом этого исполнителя "Chameleon In The Shadows Of The Night" Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями, текстами песен и дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 German Overalls 2 Slender Threads 3 Rock And Role 4 In The End 5 What's Worth? 6 Easy To Sleep Away 7 Dropping The Torch 8 (In The) Black Room/The Tower 9 Rain Jam (Bonus Track) 10 Easy To Slip Away (Bonus Track) 11 In The End (Bonus Track) Исполнитель Питер Хэммил Peter Hammill.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Gala Records Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2006 г Альбом.

Master Math: Geometry (Master Math) артикул 1864c.
Master Math: Geometry (Master Math) артикул 1864c.

Book Description Master Math: Geometry was written for students, teachers, tutors, and parents, as well as for scientists and engineers who need to look up principles, definitions, explanations of concepts, and pertinent examples It provides everything a high school or first year college student needs to know about Geometry including: explanation одыэц of deductive reasoning, how to perform proofs, definitions, theorems, and postulates It includes explanations of deductive reasoning, examples pertaining to points, lines, plans, angles, and ratios, coverage on triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and much more!.  2004 г ISBN 1564146677.

The Childless Revolution: What It Means to Be Childless Today артикул 1866c.
The Childless Revolution: What It Means to Be Childless Today артикул 1866c.

A fascinating and incisive look at a growing population: women who by choice or by chance have remained childless Thanks in part to birth control, delayed marriages, and the emergence of two-career couples, 42% of the adult female population is childless, representing the fastest-growing demographic group to emerge in decades Alternately pitied одыэщ and scorned, childless women are rarely asked directly about the reasons for their status; the elephant in the living room, childlessness is a taboo subject Asking the hard questions, Madelyn Cain uncovers the many reasons for childlessness--from infertility to a focus on a career to even political action--and explores the ramifications, both personal and sociological Simultaneously compassionate and journalistically curious, The Childless Revolution is informed by the stories of over 100 childless women, at long last giving voice to their experience and validating the jumble of emotions women feel about being a part of such a controversial population For childless women and their families everywhere, this is the first--and long overdue--book to put a face on women who have made a largely misunderstood reproductive choice.  ISBN 0738206741.

The Rookie Manager: A Guide to Surviving Your First Year in Management артикул 1868c.
The Rookie Manager: A Guide to Surviving Your First Year in Management артикул 1868c.

You've been promoted! Are you happy, excited, perhaps even a little (or a lot) anxious and stressed out--wondering how you're going to handle all your new responsibilities? If so, stop worrying and start reading THE ROOKIE MANAGER It's the perfect stress-reducer--the next best thing to a Swedish massage This indispensable guide prepares inexperienced одыюй managers for the realities of today's fast-paced business environment and provides useful, real-world information that will help you relax comfortablyinto your new managerial position Topics covered include: * understanding the manager's role * managing former peers * choosing a management style * daily planning * leadership and coaching * building and managing a team * motivating people to do their best * making tough decisions * delegating work * hiring and orienting new employees * conducting performance appraisals * disciplining and terminating employees * building effective communication skills--both up and down the hierarchical ladder, andmuch more Filled with informative anecdotes, exercises, self-quizzes, worksheets, and examples, THE ROOKIE MANAGER will give you all the skills, confidence, and knowledge you need to shift seamlessly into your new role.  ISBN 0814470602.

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